Who discovered circumference of Earth?
Earth is considered as the third planet of our solar system. It is fifth largest and thickest planet in the solar system. Eratosthenes, a Greek mathematician and astronomer was considered… Read more »
Earth is considered as the third planet of our solar system. It is fifth largest and thickest planet in the solar system. Eratosthenes, a Greek mathematician and astronomer was considered… Read more »
SN 1572 was an Ia type massive supernova located in the Cassiopeia constellation. It was discovered and observed by prominent Danish astronomer, Tycho Brahe. He made this discovery on November… Read more »
Betelgeuse or Alpha Orionis is a bright and large reddish variable star located in the Orion constellation nearby Rigel star. It is called as red super giant and considered as… Read more »
SN 1885A also known as Supernova 1885 or S Andromedae was a massive la type supernova located in the Andromeda Galaxy. It was first discovered by Isaac Ward, an Irish… Read more »
Supernova is related to massive stars explosion in the sky. SN 1987A is a modern luminous supernova located in the Dorado constellation near dwarf galaxy and Large Magellanic Cloud. It… Read more »
An oort cloud is a massive spherical comets cloud which is situated around 18 trillion miles away from the sun. It was discovered in 1950 by famous Dutch astronomer, Jan… Read more »
Solar system is defined as a system of nine planets their comets, moons, asteroids, meteoroids and other celestial bodies which moves around another star. Prominent Renaissance astronomer, Nicolaus Copernicus was… Read more »
10 Hygiea is one of the asteroids of main asteroid belt. Its mass is approximately 2.9% of the total mass of the main belt and its diameter is nearby 350–500… Read more »
The Big Bang is a theory of the early origin and development of the universe. It was discovered by American astronomer Edwin Powell Hubble. He described that the universe is… Read more »
Halley’s Comet is known as the comet which has very short time period. It is seen very clearly from the planet Earth. It was discovered by English astronomer Edmond Halley… Read more »