Who discovered Peru?

Peru is a country situated in western South America. It is bounded by Brazil to the East, Pacific Ocean to the West, Colombia and Ecuador to the North, Chile to… Read more »

Who discovered Genetics?

According to Biology, genetics is the science of variations, genes and heredity in living organisms. Gregor Johann Mendel, an Austrian Augustinian monk and scientist was credited to be discovered genetics.

Who discovered Indonesia?

Indonesia is a country located in Southeast Asia and Oceania. It is known as most thickly populated country in the world. It consists of thirty three provinces and about 17,508… Read more »

Who discovered Mexico?

Mexico is a federal constitutional republic located in North America. It is bordered by Caribbean Sea on the East, Pacific Ocean on the West and South and United States on… Read more »

Who discovered Americium?

Americium is a synthetic element. It is symbolized by Am and its atomic number is 95. It is silvery-white comparatively soft radioactive metal. It was discovered and isolated by the… Read more »

Who discovered Einsteinium?

Einsteinium is a synthetic element. It is represented by the chemical symbol Es and its atomic number is 99. It is silvery-white soft, radioactive and paramagnetic metal. It was discovered… Read more »